Membership Application
Please follow these instructions when filling out the application for membership. All of the following must be completed before the application can be considered:
- Read the application carefully and fill in ALL blanks.
- If no information to a question applies to you, put a No, None, or N/A in that space.
- Print or type all information except for signature.
- If exact information to a question is not known, fill in the blank with approximate information you feel to be as accurate as possible.
- Include any additional information on a separate sheet of paper if necessary.
- Any falsification of this application could be grounds for termination of consideration of the application or membership.
Make checks payable to the Maryland Polygraph Association for the annual dues and filing fee to the MPA secretary. Mail the application along with a copy of your polygraph school certificate and state polygraph license to:
Maryland Polygraph Association
7476 New Ridge Rd., Suite G, POB #74, Hanover, MD 21076